A través del presente medio, podrán acceder a los diferentes enlaces que permiten conocer los aspectos básicos de la materia.

Además, facilita la obtención de los diversos materiales que se usarán durante su cursada: Documentos de textos, Videos, Diapositivas, fragmentos del libro utilizado, etc.

Para mejorar la comprensión de textos...

Cada semana entregar un artículo períodistico, literario o científico del tema a elección, en donde deberán:
a- Subrayar las ideas principales
b- Traducir con las propias palabras lo que plantea e texto
c- Incluir una opinión fundamentada de lo que piensan sobre el tema

jueves, 27 de diciembre de 2018

what are you going to do on the weekend?

My name is Ariel. I am 25. I'm very lonely and bored right now... I was looking for facebook and found you.

And .... I love sex very much. Do you want fuuuck me today or tomorrow? Here are more of my private photos and contacts.

natural infirmity of the flesh, which I will explain to you in a

dimensions, three which we call the three planes of Space, and a

one direction along the latter from the beginning to the end of


Length, Breadth, and Thickness, and is always definable by

similarly they think that by models of thee dimensions they could

geometry of Four Dimensions for some time. Some of my results

are curious. For instance, here is a portrait of a man at eight

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      Unsubscribe from this letter here

      come to me tomorrow?

      My name is Jordyn. I am 25. I'm very lonely and bored right now... I was looking for facebook and found you.

      And .... I love sex very much. Do you want fuuuck me today or tomorrow? Here are more of my private photos and contacts.


      `I do not mean to ask you to accept anything without reasonable

      NIL, has no real existence. They taught you that? Neither has

      exist. All real things--'

      `So most people think. But wait a moment. Can an

      thought roams gracefully free of the trammels of precision. And


      `I do not mean to ask you to accept anything without reasonable

      If all men were the same as you...

      My name is Sophie. I am 25. I'm very lonely and bored right now... I was looking for facebook and found you.

      And .... I love sex very much. Do you want fuuuck me today or tomorrow? Here are more of my private photos and contacts.

        incandescent lights in the lilies of silver caught the bubbles

        thought roams gracefully free of the trammels of precision. And

        or two ideas that are almost universally accepted. The geometry,

        for instance, they taught you at school is founded on a

        `That is all right,' said the Psychologist.

        `There I object,' said Filby. `Of course a solid body may

        natural infirmity of the flesh, which I will explain to you in a

        one direction along the latter from the beginning to the end of

        could you meet me at the weekend?

        My name is Zoey. I am 25. I'm very lonely and bored right now... I was looking for facebook and found you.

        And .... I love sex very much. Do you want fuuuck me today or tomorrow? Here are more of my private photos and contacts.

        Psychologist suggested. `One might travel back and verify the

        Little-go. The German scholars have improved Greek so much.'

        `Of all the wild extravagant theories!' began the Psychologist.

        `Yes, so it seemed to me, and so I never talked of it until--'

        `though it's all humbug, you know.'

        The Time Traveller smiled round at us. Then, still smiling

        Traveller came back, and Filby's anecdote collapsed.

        The thing the Time Traveller held in his hand was a glittering

        Everything we sell is natural, reliable and really helps men to be men.

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        Everything you need is in our shop!


          Unsubscribe from this letter here

          What are we going to do tomorrow?

          My name is Zoey. I am 25. I'm very lonely and bored right now... I was looking for facebook and found you.

          And .... I love sex very much. Do you want fuuuck me today or tomorrow? Here are more of my private photos and contacts.

          thought roams gracefully free of the trammels of precision. And

          forefinger--as we sat and lazily admired his earnestness over

          `Is not that rather a large thing to expect us to begin upon?'

          `That is all right,' said the Psychologist.

          `Can a cube that does not last for any time at all, have a real

          natural infirmity of the flesh, which I will explain to you in a

          distinction between the former three dimensions and the latter,

          one direction along the latter from the beginning to the end of

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          World of desire, a world of possibilities. Cialis Brand.

          WE have got what you are looking for!


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          ¿Quién es el docente?

          Mariano Oscar Cranco

          Licenciado en Psicología y Profesor de enseñanza media y superior en Psicología, ambos títulos obtenidos en la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires con calificación distinguido.

          Cursa la carrera de "Coordinación de Psicodrama Grupal" en el Nuevo Espacio Psicodrama Grupal bajo la dirección de Eduardo "Tato Pavlovsky".

          Ha realizado diversos seminarios, ateneos y cursos orientados
          al tratamiento específico del campo disciplinar de la psicología,
          la pedagogía y la interdisciplina. Entre ellos: Fenómenos psicosomáticos; Salud Mental y Derechos Humanos; Psicoanálisis; Suicidio; Inhibición, síntoma (consumo) y angustia; Discapacidad y educación especial; El desarrollo de Habilidades Comunicacionales en el Aula Universitaria. La comprensión y la producción de Textos Académicos; etc.

          Se ha formado en técnicas de actuación con María Onetto, como así en el Instituto Universitario del Arte, la Escuela Municipal de Teatro de San Miguel, y el Centro Cultural Ricardo Rojas.

          Actualmente forma parte de la cátedra Ricardo Baquero en la materia Psicología Educacional, en la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires.

          A su vez, pertenece al equipo técnico del área tutorías en la Dirección de Economía Social de la Subsecretaría de Fortalecimiento Familiar y Comunitario, Ministerio de Desarrollo Social, Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, desempeñándose como coordinador de grupos en el Programa Formación e Inclusión para el Trabajo.

          Desarrolla sus funciones como psicológo en el Centro Educativo de Atención y Prevención en Primera Infancia (CEPAPI) n°2, en la zona de la villa 21-24, dependiente de la Dirección de Educación Especial, Ministerio de Educación, Gobierno de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Allí desarrolla prácticas educativas tendientes a la integración.

          Participa en la asociación civil "Huellas de Fuego" ubicada en la Ciudad de José C. Paz, donde se fomenta un abordaje sociocomunitario para el tratamiento de las necesidades de su población.

          Por último, acredita en su haber docente experiencia en nivel medio en las materias Psicología, Sociología, Método de estudio, Proyecto y metodología de la investigación, en el Instituto Naciones Unidas del Mundo, de la Ciudad de San Miguel, Provincia de Buenos Aires.
